Drmatey.com, residing at c/ Zumel 7, 2º 3, 28037 - Madrid, is responsible for collecting personal data, the use that is given to them and their protection.
Your personal information will be used to provide the services and products you have requested, provide you information about changes in them and evaluate the quality of service we provide.
You have the right to access, rectify and cancel your personal data and to oppose their treatment or revoke consent for that purpose have given us through the procedures we have implemented. For these procedures, requirements and deadlines, you can contact our department of personal data in info@drmatey.com or visit our website www.drmatey.com
We also inform you that your personal data can be transferred and treated within and outside the country, this company different people. If you do not express your opposition to their personal data being transferred it is deemed to have given their consent.